Sacred White Sage
Sacred White Sage
These bundles are 9 inches in length.
Used to get rid of negative and unwanted energy. May be used to cleanse objects as well as people .
Sage commands the attention of our Spiritual and Elemental helpers. Sage smoke carries our prayers and intentions. It purifies and cleanses our inner and outer environments.
We recommend that you burn something sweet afterward to fill the space. Try one of our incenses, sweet-grass or one of the amazing candles in the (stone) line.
Light a Smudge Stick and extinguish flame allowing the Sage to smolder. Wave or use a feather fan to disperse the smoke through your Aura and into your Home and your Sacred Spaces. Hold your intent as you Smudge Clear and Purify. Use Sage Smudge Sticks regularly to keep yourself, your tools, crystals and homes clear to receive abundant light.